A downloadable game

Hello, my teleporter is published on CliCli called "Trash Teleporter - indoorWolf"

"In a junk yard, where you would never expect to find such technology, a castaway has built a teleporter out of old cell phone masts. The masts emerge from the ground and start to spin. When they spin fast enough to create a vortex of energy, the teleporter activates..."

I used the provided template for this project. I changed the scenery to a junk yard theme. I made my own ECA trigger script. I did experiment with the particle editor to try to make my own particle effects but I ran out of time. I instead used the provided particle effects. I also had a lot of fun with CliCli. I ran out of time in the previous game jam so I am glad I have something to upload this time :)

I have uploaded my teleporter project files in a zip folder.

I have uploaded my video as well which you must download (sorry I don't have a YouTube account). 

Please find them both below.